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Kelsey Brannan, ECA/PASC, U.S. Department of State / Wikipedia / PD |
Meeting 7 - Becoming leaders
1. Opening prayer or reflection
2. Minutes of last meeting
3. Review of happenings
What happened this week? Share about something that made you angry or happy or confused or depressed – something that really affected you.
• What caused this to happen?
• How did it affect the people involved?
• What are the good and bad things about this happening?
• What was your reaction/action?
• Was that a good reaction? A responsible reaction?
4. The enquiry – Becoming leaders
1. Do you think that there is a difference between having power over people and being a leader of people? How are they different?
2. Can you give some examples of people in your community who are real leaders and people who are only power brokers dominating others?
3. The SJA is based on a conviction that we can all become leaders in life. Discuss this idea. In what ways do you agree/disagree with this?
4. Can you see examples of ways that this SJA group has developed leadership and influence among others?
1. Read the Gospel passage slowly and try to imagine that you were with Jesus when He spoke these words the first time. Imagine what the people who Jesus was speaking to thought. They knew He was talking to them.
Salt and Light
“You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a where it gives light to all in the house.”
(Matthew 5:13-14)
Cardijn used to say to YCW leaders as they left his house, “Don’t forget now – I’m depending on you.” Perhaps it just made them feel important. Perhaps it made them realise more deeply that they could achieve things by their action.
1. In which area of my life do I most want to bring about a change?
2. What exactly do I want to change – in the short and in the long term.
3. What step of action could I take as a leader in life this week that would be a worthwhile step towards achieving this goal?
“At the root of the YCW and of our whole conception of life there is one great truth: that each young worker has, here on earth, a personal mission to fulfil; and each one must fulfil this mission through the ordinary acts of their daily life in their natural everyday environment.” Joseph Cardijn.
5. General business
At Meeting 9 we will be electing three officers for our group.
6. Closing prayer and social